Tord Gustavsen Trio The Ground
 Two years ago the Tord Gustavsen Trio released the extraordinary successful debut-album"Changing Places". With his new CD "The Ground" he created another masterpiece. Together with bassist Harald Johnsen and drummer Jarle Vespestad Tord Gustavsen guides the audience on a faint melancholic and unique journey. Enjoyable sophisticated music to relax and meditate. A spellbinding work of art. »
IT Consulting for the projects "Restiution" and "collection
points" of the "Historical Commission of the Republic of Austria"
In Q2/2001 individual software solutions for the digital collection of historical
data and evaluation of two projects teams ("Restitution" and
"Collecting Points") of the "Historical Commission of the Republic of
Austria" were designed and implemented by M-IT. A temporary network was
installed in the Austrian State Archives, which was separated from the existing
IT infrastructure for security reasons.
The created database solution supports concurrent multiuser access and replication (one of
the system requirements was to enable offline data query and modification). Both databases
are filled with data from a number of different sources. The real-world situation and
interconnection of these sources is covered very closely by the defined data structures,
resulting in maximum extraction of relevant information.
It was possible to import a small part of the data of some sources from existing digital
data collections. They were stored in different formats and for the largest part not
ready for an adhoc-transfer to a database. M-IT developed a migration scenario and wrote the
needed conversion software.